Today my parents completed a 2 year service mission
with a Samoan Ward in Kearns, Utah.
Last night in honor of them and their service
the ward put on a big going away party.
Each group in the ward
(primary,ym,yw,elders,rs and bishopric)
put on a dance for my parents.
It was a very meaningful emotional night.
The member of the ward who have very little
themselves prepare tons of food and gave gifts to my
parents which included the puletasi for my mom and
the lavalava for my dad.
The memeber asked my parents
to wear these outfits to give their homecoming
talks in their home ward. I can promise you that
my parents will be wearing these outfits.
Our family has grown so much and have
felt the blessings of my parents mission.
There has always been a love for this culture and
it has grown over the last couple of years.
I know my parents are going to miss their Samoan family but
we are excited to spend more time with them.